Saturday, March 19, 2011

2 Weeks, 1 Days (GA: 30 Weeks)

The twins did well yesterday.  They both had their PIC lines removed since they are getting all their fluids by milk.  Gabe and Zeke are getting 21mL and 20mL respectively, every three hours.

Gabe still has some small blood specs in his residuals.  The residual is how much fluid is left in their tummies prior to their next meal.  Usually they have just a couple milliliters, but if they more than 10% of the last feeding or if the residual is full of bile, the nurse will pull it out of the stomach and throw it away.  Otherwise, the residual is pushed back into the stomach.  (Except for the clear disadvantage of a tube perpetually down the nose, this residual checking idea would be a great weight loss plan for me:  eat all the chocolate cake I want now, and then pull it back out through my tube in a couple hours.  Brilliant!)  Because Gabe has had blood specs in his residuals for a few days they think he may have a small stress ulcer.  So Gabe is going to get a couple medicines (e.g., Zantac) for his little ulcer.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you to know I check everyday. Your family has been in our every prayer. Tell Nanette I love her! We are so happy that both your boys and Nanette are making such progress. I feel like my mom has been busy at work.
    Love Laurie and Bryce Wheeler
