Sunday, March 13, 2011

1 Week, 2 Days (GA: 29 Weeks)

It is almost shift change and the nurse started doing her charting so I thought I better do my equivalent. . .

It has been so awesome for us and the kids to be home together after 6 weeks apart.  Our girls called Nanette "her majesty" and everyone wanted to sit on her lap, next to her chair, or lay down by her.  Samuel asked his dad if he would be going to his home.  "This is my home, Sam."  "No, this is my home, Dad."  It was funny, but sad too.
Nanette falls asleep putting the girls to bed.
Smothered in joy.
I misunderstood what the nurse told me over the phone yesterday about Gabe's ventilator.  Yesterday, his rate was down to zero (no additional breaths given), but he still had a little positive pressure using a ventilator machine.  Today he was completely removed from positive pressure and has the same setup as Zeke.  For accuracy's sake, I would appreciate it if everyone can erase yesterday's joy over his breathing progress and move it to today.  Nanette and I spoke with Dr. Chan about how much progress Gabe has made in the last week.  Remember that a week ago we were told that he had a pretty good chance of not living another 24 hours.  Today, he is a totally different kid.  Last week when Dr. Chan told us of Gabe's PVL he told us Gabe had a 80-90% likelihood of developing CP.  After seeing Gabe's progress this week, Dr. Chan said he would cut that likelihood in half.  Fantastic news!  Since the CPAP is off, I took some pictures.  You may think that Gabe looks a lot like Zeke in this picture.  They get that all the time since they are identical twins.  (Most people say there's a clear resemblance in the tubes . . .)
Gabe right after getting off the CPAP.
Zeke is doing great still.  Mom got to change his diaper.  He had slight heart murmur so he will get an echo cardiogram tomorrow.  Here's a picture of Zeke today.
Zeke trying to get that eye open.  Notice the hand in motion.
Both boys will get a follow up head ultrasound tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear of Gabe's progress. We continue to pray for all of you. Thank you so much for keeping up the blog. I look for it every day.
