Tuesday, February 1, 2011

23 Weeks 4 Days

We gained 2 "free" days today.  The due date according to the the LMP (Last Menstrual Period) is May 29.  However, the 12 week ultrasound gave us a due date of May 27.  Also in the most recent ultrasounds the twins are measuring big so the doctors are going with May 27 as the official due date.  This means we are at 23 weeks and 4 days and all the blog titles need updating.

Nanette fell asleep today while her Nook Color was reading a very short P.D. Eastman kids story to her.  It was adorable.

I added another page to the blog that details some quick information about PPROM.  Check out the link at the upper left side of the home page.


  1. Jared, thanks so much for starting this blog. The other day when I called you at the hospital I read an email, immediately AFTER hanging up with you that said, please don't call them at the hospital! I felt pretty dorky.

    I think about you both daily and am keeping you in my prayers. Tell Nanette I love her and would love to come visit when and if she is in the mood.

  2. This blog is a great idea. I wonder about Nanette throughout each day. I have a nice thick book for Nanette to borrow if she's is getting bored. (the Biography of Thomas S. Monson) Let me know if you want it.

  3. Sweet blog...thank you for keeping us posted first hand. Know that your entire family is constantly in our prayers. What a challenging time and also an eternal bonding time. May you know of our sincere love and concern. All Our Love ~ Nina, Robert and Family

  4. I would love to help with the kids. Anytime. Really. I can come get them or stay there. Let me know. I've been thinking about you guys a lot. Say hi to Nanette for me! She's totally amazing!
