Sunday, May 29, 2011

12 Weeks, 2 Days (Gestational Age: 40 Weeks)

Today is our original due date!  So it was great timing to finally get Gabe home yesterday.  His discharge weight was 3.53kg (7lbs, 12 oz).  He does not have a monitor nor oxygen and the only drug he is on is for reflux.  This last week in the hospital weaning him from caffeine and a monitor was definitely worth it!

Sick Nathan and Bella hold Gabe.
This crazy ordeal began on Jan.27 when Nanette's water broke and ended on May 28---four long months.  I told Nanette as we drove away from Primary Children's that this was the end of all our troubles (with the implied meaning of it being the front end).

Last night it was my shift to watch and feed the twins.  I could tell by how much they slept that they both really, really love me and enjoy being awake around me.  I am a novice at tandem feeding, tandem burping, tandem diaper changing, and tandem rocking.  Some of those tasks just simply require two hands for one baby.  I suppose it's too late for evolution to kick in and grow parents of twins an extra arm and hand. . .

My first tandem feeding experience.  Note that Sam has a binky in each hand---just in case.


  1. wow, you look like a natural! And with a cute little helper like Sam, how could you go wrong? :)

  2. Oh man. You'll get good have to! It helps a lot when they get bigger and not so darn floppy!

  3. We are so happy and excited that your twins are both home now! Congratulations. way to endure and be patient. we love you all, and cant wait to meet these 2 cute additions to your family! love you all.

  4. I don't know what I can say when I know your twins are brought home already:) Congratulations. I am a little envy you~~~
