Saturday, May 14, 2011

10 Weeks, 1 Day (GA: 38 Weeks)

Zeke is home!!!!  He spent 71 Days in the NICU.  He started at 2 lbs 5 oz. and left the hospital at 5 lb. 11 oz., if we don't take into account the weight of the monitor attached to him.  We also have a couple big bottles of oxygen, but he is currently not using them.  He is just on the monitor.  This setup is how he has been in the hospital for almost a week.  The oxygen is just there for a backup.  In any case, his monitor goes off frequently and has to be carried with him wherever he goes.

It was quite the little party when we brought Zeke home today.  All the kids ran to the car when we pulled into the driveway.  Once we lathered them up with Purell and brought Zeke inside, all the other kids gathered around the car seat staring, laughing, poking, and prodding the baby to their hearts delight.  It was absolutely delightful.

Gabe has had some spells of apnea in the last day and he is on watch to see whether it is still related to his recover from surgery and the associated drugs or whether there may be some new issue.  The next day or two will really tell us the situation better as his body purges all the residual drugs.  His bandages were off of his head today.  Gruesome is probably the best word to describe how it looks right now.  But he is back to full feedings by mouth and even nursed a couple times today before we had to take Zeke home.

1 comment:

  1. That is so wonderful that Zeke is home! I hope Gabe isn't too long in following. I just can't imagine the ordeal of it all. I continue to pray daily for your family.
