Wednesday, May 18, 2011

10 Weeks, 5 Days (GA: 38 Weeks)

Zeke is doing well at home.  We figured out pretty quickly how to adjust the monitor settings since it was going off all the time.  Dr. Coulter today told me that he thinks it should be a criminal offense to send parents home with their baby on a Pulse-Ox monitor (because the saturation alert goes off way too much).  Dr. Chan told Nanette that he monitored a child for a year (with a respiratory/pulse monitor) after a previous 3 month old baby of his passed away from SIDS.  Our pediatrician told us today that he recommends putting Zeke on it for a couple hours each day to see how he is doing.  That is pretty much what we are doing.  We have not used any of the oxygen we have for him since he has been doing so well.

Gabe is now on caffeine to help him breath more regularly.  He is also on some reflux medication.  He has been doing much better today on his breathing.  He is on a low flow oxygen again at 25mL/minute.  He also had his nasal cannula completely off for a few hours this afternoon and was doing just fine.  Dr. Coulter said that he expects Gabe to go home early next week.

A funny thing happened today.  I was holding Gabe at crib side and at eye level on the counter was a bottle of breast milk.  There was a large sticker with large, capitalized text running from bottom of the bottle to the top: "HUMAN MILK".  However, from my vantage point, the first two letters were not visible due to the clip of a clipboard which was in front of the bottle.  I was amazed at what it appeared the nurse was warming up for Gabe.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I got your blog from Julie Sessions. Her daughter and my son are in the same class at school. We also have twin boys up at the University Hospital. They were born on the day I was 23 weeks pregnant. They were about a pound and a half. My babies were actually born about a week after yours were on March 11. I have read your blog while I pump and it has been a real comfort to hear of your miracles. We have seen many miracles as well. I am so glad to hear that your babies are doing so well. If you think it would be a comfort our blog is:
    You sound like an amazing family. We will continue to pray for you.
