Saturday, May 21, 2011

11 Weeks, 1 Day (GA: 39 Weeks)

Nanette and I drove up to Primary Children's today with the expectation of bringing Gabe home.  However, it turned out to be "false labor".  Dr. Coulter told Nanette yesterday that Gabe would be discharged today and sent home on caffeine for 7 weeks with an apnea monitor for at least 8 weeks.  However, the doctors changed overnight (they are "on" for about 2 weeks and then get rotated) and the new doctor did not discharge Gabe.

During rounds this morning the NNP and the doctor went over Gabe's information and the expectation of discharge today.  Near the end of the consultation, the doctor asked the NNP if Gabe was taking any medicines.  "Vitamins, reflux meds, and caffeine."  The doctor's head swung up with a surprised look.  "Why is he on caffeine?"  After a few minutes of discussion, the doctor decided he wanted to try to wean Gabe from caffeine before discharging him.  So Gabe will be at Primary's at least another week.  On the bright side, if Gabe does wean he will not likely be on a monitor when we take him home (or at least only on a monitor for a much shorter time).

Zeke is doing great.  He is sleeping through parts of each night and not sleeping through the rest.  But we are confident that when Gabe gets home they will just soothe each to sleep all night long.  ;)


  1. I continue to follow your blog and pray for all of you. I am so glad that Zeke is home and that Gabe will come home soon. You guys are marvelous. It's amazing to me the way you have handled and come through the last few months. Love,Lydia

  2. I love the positive thinking! Actually train yourself to NOT look at the clock during the night because it gets really depressing when the twins aren't on the same sleep schedule and you get one fed and asleep just as the other wakes up and wants his turn. ;o)

  3. We Love you guys! We continue to pray for you all. We pray for continued progress and in gratitude for the many mercies you (we) have witnessed. We are truely blessed!
    Love the Wheelers
