Tuesday, April 19, 2011

6 Weeks, 4 Days (GA: 34 Weeks)

Quick update today.

Gabe weighs 2290 grams (5 lb. 2 oz.).  He is in a crib and is back on a nasal cannula at 1 liter/minute.  The doctor put him back on caffeine for a day but then they decided against it the next day at rounds.

Zeke weighs 1865 grams (4 lb. 2 oz.).  He is also in a crib now and still has his nasal cannula.

Both boys are feeding a little bit by nursing.  A little bit is say, 5 minutes.  Then they get the rest of their meals by tube.


  1. Wow! That sounds like some good weight gain and great that they are starting to nurse. Thanks for the updates. We're praying for you all...

  2. I'm so glad they are nursing! And, Gabe now weighs more than Charlotte did at birth (37 weeks)!
