Thursday, February 10, 2011

24 Weeks 6 Days

Major event today:  we got a free room upgrade to the floor suite.  We moved to room 2309 and it is bigger and better in so many ways.  It has two big windows that look out onto the Salt Lake basin.  It's absolutely beautiful (when there is no inversion, of course).  Even has a remote for the DVD player.  But the best part about the new room is the HVAC.  The old room had a noisy large fan that was always on.  The new room is on the regular HVAC system---nice and quiet.

They run a tight ship around here.  5am comes and the resident shows up (right on schedule for her daily round) to announce that Nanette will be having an ultrasound today.  At 7:30am we get a phone call and within minutes the technician arrives to cart Nanette to Maternal Fetal Medicine.  We were back by 8am.  Both babies appeared to have very little fluid but they did have bladders---which is what they were looking for.

Nanette is spending her first night alone at the hospital.  Let's all pray it goes well for her.


  1. We follow your posts everyday (we are curious who posts them but thank you for doing it). We pray for you, Nanette, everyday (morning, night and throughout the day-you are in our thoughts and prayers). Love, Ted and Lydia

  2. Thanks Ted and Lydia. Jared started the blog and does the posts. His most impressive accomplishment, though, has been keeping me calm and relaxed. I can't even begin to express how good he is to me.

  3. Nanette, I'm glad things are still going okay. You have been in our thoughts and prayers. I put your name on the temple roll today. Hope things keep going for awhile longer. Let me know if there is anything I can do for your family.
